Legal notices and terms and conditions for using the website

Orus Executive Search
Single-shareholder simplified joint-stock company 1000 euros

20 rue Quentin Bauchart
75008 Paris

Represented by: Gaylord Josset

Publishing directors: Gaylord Josset

Website creation: Creano agence de création digitale


2 Rue kellermann
BP 80157 59053
Roubaix CEDEX 1 - France
Hotline: 0 899 701 761
Email: - Web:
Simplified joint-stock company with capital of €10,000,000
Roubaix-Tourcoing Trade and Companies Register 424 761 419 00045 - APE code 6202A
VATN° FR22424761419


The website is a website providing information on the subject of the company Orus Executive Search.

The information contained on the website may not, under any circumstances, be used in the context of consulting services provided with regards to legal or fiscal matters and may not, as a result, be used as a substitute for any legal or fiscal consultation.

This information has been taken from reliable sources and has been examined by Orus Executive Search. However, material errors cannot be ruled out, and it may be necessary for this information to be corrected, added to or brought up to date.

Should this prove necessary, users must contact the publishing director in order to make them aware of this.


The website constitutes a protected work under the terms of the Intellectual property code. Orus Executive Search are the sole proprietors of the rights to this, including all trademarks, logos, graphics, photographs and all other data featuring on the site.

The website, its general composition, and all text, images – whether animated or otherwise – sounds, expertise, drawings, graphics or any other elements of the site are the exclusive property of Orus Executive Search.

The same applies to the databases that feature on the Orus Executive Search website, with these protected by the terms of the law from 1st July 1998 adapting the Intellectual property code to incorporate the European Union directive from 11th March 1996 regarding the legal protection of databases, and those produced by Orus Executive Search.

Any use or reproduction, whether in whole or in part, of the site, the elements of which it is comprised and/or the information contained within, by whichever means, is strictly prohibited and will constitute an act of piracy punishable in accordance with the Intellectual property code, unless prior written approval has been granted by Orus Executive Search.

Any hypertext links redirecting browsers to the website will require prior written approval from Orus Executive Search.


Information Commissioner’s Office (CNIL) Declaration
In accordance with the terms of law n°78-17 from 6th January 1978 relating to IT, files and liberties, the automated processing of personal data by the site was made the subject of an electronic declaration submitted to the Information Commissioner’s Office (CNIL), given the number 1027454.

Collecting personal data
Users authorise Orus Executive Search to collect data relating to them while browsing the website

All data collected on the website will be processed for the purposes of processing requests made by users (recruitment, comments, questions, etc.) and for site administration purposes.
Some of the data that is collected will be obligatory – this will be marked using an asterisk. Should users refuse to provide this data, Orus Executive Search reserve the right not to process their request.

Orus Executive Search commit to implementing best practice security measures in order to ensure that all of the data collected on their site remains confidential for the necessary duration of processing.

The data collected by Orus Executive Search is not intended to be passed on to any third parties. However, users will authorise Orus Executive Search to pass data on to technical service providers for administration and maintenance purposes with regard to the website

The right to access, correct and oppose for legitimate reasons
Users are advised that they have the right to access and make corrections, enabling them, where applicable, to correct, add to, update, lock or delete any personal data relating to them that may be incorrect, incomplete, questionable or out-of-date, as well as any data that may not be collected, passed on or retained.

Users will also have the right to oppose their data being used, provided a legitimate reason is given, in addition to the right to oppose their data being used for marketing purposes.
Users may enforce these rights by sending a letter to Orus Executive Search, accompanied by a copy of a signed identity document. This should be sent to the following address:

Orus Executive Search
20 rue Quentin Bauchart
75008 Paris

Alternatively, they may do so using the contact form provided.

Respecting the terms of the law governing IT, files and liberties
Users of the website must respect the terms of the law governing IT, files and liberties. Any violation of these terms will be punishable by law.

They must not collect or misuse any personal data to which they may have access. Generally speaking, they must also abstain from any acts liable to cause damage to an individual’s privacy or their reputation.


Users are advised that, during any visits they may make to the site, cookies may be installed on their internet browsers. Cookies are blocks of data which do not contain any personal data on users, but which do, however, store information relating to the user’s visit to the site (the pages they have viewed, the time and the date of the data being viewed, etc.). Orus Executive Search will be able to read this information during any subsequent visits the user may make to the site.

Web browsers can be configured in such a way so as to inform users of the presence of cookies, giving them the option of refusing them (please refer to the help section of your browser).
Given that cookies indirectly collect personal data relating to users, users will also have the right to consult, withdraw or modify them.
Users are advised that they may oppose cookies being saved by configuring their web browser as follows:

For Mozilla Firefox

Select the “Tools” menu, then go to “Options”
Click on the “privacy” icon
Locate the “cookies” menu and select the desired options

For Microsoft Internet Explorer

Select the “Tools” menu, then “Internet Options”.
Click on the “Confidentiality” tab
Select the desired level using the cursor
This information will be retained on the user’s computer for a period of 6 months.

Conditions for access and use

Users of the site must be in possession of the skills and resources needed to use it.

Users of the website must check to ensure that the IT configuration in use does not contain any viruses and that it is in optimal working condition.

General warning

Orus Executive Search will take all necessary steps to ensure that users are provided with available and verified information and/or tools. Despite the utmost care being taken, the information is supplied without warranty of any kind.

Orus Executive Search may not be held responsible for any errors, nor may they be held responsible for information being unavailable, incorrect, not up-to-date, incomplete or for the presence of any viruses on their site.

Orus Executive Search would invite users of the site to make them aware of any omissions, errors or corrections by sending an email to

Similarly, Orus Executive Search may not be held responsible for any improper use of the service by the user or for the service becoming temporarily unavailable (regardless of whether this involves an act of force majeure, a period of maintenance work or a technical issue).

Users of the site formally agree that under no circumstances may Orus Executive Search be held responsible for any damage – whether direct or indirect, material or non-material – resulting from viewing and/or using this website (or any other sites linked to it) and any applications that may be downloaded, including the use of text or images that may have been collected. Equally, users of the site formally agree that Orus Executive Search may not be held responsible for any financial or commercial damage, or for programs or data becoming lost in their IT system.

By using this site, users will be understood to have been given the opportunity to acknowledge this warning.

Hypertext links

The website may contain hypertext links redirecting users to websites or web pages published by third parties.
However, Orus Executive Search may not be held responsible for illicit or incorrect content contained on any third party sites that users may access via the site.
Orus Executive Search do not have any means in place for controlling the content of third party sites. As such, users will be entirely responsible should they decide to activate these hypertext links.

Similarly, Orus Executive Search may not be held responsible in the event of these third party sites becoming unavailable or ceasing to function correctly.

Orus Executive Search agree to remove any links towards other websites at the request of the companies to whom the sites in question belong.

Written authorisation from Orus Executive Search must be sought prior to any hypertext links redirecting users to their site being created and reserve the right to delete such links at any time.

Applicable law – Competent court

The contractual terms contained within this document are governed by French law.

Any disputes pertaining to this site’s contractual terms will be subject to French jurisdiction.

Orus Executive Search would like to thank users for visiting their website.